Monday, May 26, 2014

Bootcamp Assigment 3 - Editorial

Once upon a time I was an Art Director for a publishing company. Madison Publishing created customized health care magazines for insurance companies. I loved that job. I worked alongside some amazing people and got to hire lots of talented illustrators and photographers. And I got paid to do it!

So when Lilla Rogers gave us an article on meditation to illustrate for this month's editorial assignment in Make Art That Sells Bootcamp, I felt right at home. Except this time I had to do the illustrating and not the hiring.

I am never short on ideas, so I thought I would approach the assignment in two ways. Meditation makes me think of an illustration style that is rich and layered, organic and conceptual. But the article was about a woman who had a hard time getting past distractions to have a successful meditation experience (umm, sounds familiar). I wanted to illustrate both of these concepts. Then I would choose which finished artwork to submit to the gallery.

I ended up submitting the first illustration because I loved the colors, layers and textures. Although, I must admit, the second one looks a lot more like me when I attempt to meditate. Which style do you prefer?

You can read the original article here. Perhaps you too, could use a little motivation to meditate? Ohmmmmm.

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